
Ghee Lamp Lighting


Lighting ghee lamps is a sacred practice that invokes divine blessings for prosperity, peace, and spiritual growth. Depending on the number of lamps lit 11, 54, or 108 the ritual’s potency and benefits vary. Experience the transformative power of lighting ghee lamps to attract divine grace and enhance your spiritual journey.

Lighting ghee lamps is a revered ritual in many spiritual traditions, symbolizing the dispelling of darkness and the invocation of divine light and blessings. The number of lamps lit during the ritual 11, 54, or 108 significantly influences the effectiveness and the type of blessings received. Here’s a detailed look at the benefits of lighting different numbers of ghee lamps:   Lighting 11 Ghee Lamps:
  • Initial Spiritual Boost: Lighting 11 ghee lamps provides an immediate spiritual boost, creating a sacred ambiance and attracting divine energy.
  • Focused Blessings: The concentrated number of lamps ensures focused and direct blessings for specific intentions such as prosperity, health, or peace.
  • Ease and Simplicity: This manageable number of lamps makes it convenient for regular practice, fostering a consistent spiritual routine.
Lighting 54 Ghee Lamps:
  • Enhanced Spiritual Energy: Lighting 54 ghee lamps significantly amplifies the spiritual energy, enhancing the sacred atmosphere and the overall impact of the ritual.
  • Comprehensive Blessings: The increased number of lamps attracts more comprehensive blessings, covering various aspects of life such as health, wealth, and happiness.
  • Harmonious Environment: The collective glow of 54 lamps creates a harmonious and peaceful environment, ideal for meditation and spiritual practices.
Lighting 108 Ghee Lamps:
  • Maximum Divine Grace: Lighting 108 ghee lamps invokes maximum divine grace, leading to profound spiritual transformation and blessings.
  • Complete Purification: The extensive number of lamps ensures thorough purification of the mind, body, and surroundings, removing negative energies and obstacles.
  • Deep Spiritual Connection: This sacred number, representing completeness in Vedic traditions, fosters a deep and lasting connection with the divine, promoting spiritual growth and enlightenment.
  • Vedic Significance: Lighting 108 lamps aligns with Vedic traditions, symbolizing the 108 sacred Vedic texts, promoting holistic blessings and protection.
Lighting ghee lamps in varying numbers 11, 54, or 108 allows devotees to choose the level of intensity and the scope of blessings they seek. Each level offers unique benefits, making this practice adaptable to individual spiritual needs and goals. Embrace the divine light and grace through the sacred ritual of lighting ghee lamps, and enhance your spiritual journey with profound blessings.
Lighting ghee lamps is a revered ritual in many spiritual traditions, symbolizing the dispelling of darkness and the invocation of divine light and blessings. The number of lamps lit during the ritual 11, 54, or 108 significantly influences the effectiveness and the type of blessings received. Here’s a detailed look at the benefits of lighting different numbers of ghee lamps:   Lighting 11 Ghee Lamps:
  • Initial Spiritual Boost: Lighting 11 ghee lamps provides an immediate spiritual boost, creating a sacred ambiance and attracting divine energy.
  • Focused Blessings: The concentrated number of lamps ensures focused and direct blessings for specific intentions such as prosperity, health, or peace.
  • Ease and Simplicity: This manageable number of lamps makes it convenient for regular practice, fostering a consistent spiritual routine.
Lighting 54 Ghee Lamps:
  • Enhanced Spiritual Energy: Lighting 54 ghee lamps significantly amplifies the spiritual energy, enhancing the sacred atmosphere and the overall impact of the ritual.
  • Comprehensive Blessings: The increased number of lamps attracts more comprehensive blessings, covering various aspects of life such as health, wealth, and happiness.
  • Harmonious Environment: The collective glow of 54 lamps creates a harmonious and peaceful environment, ideal for meditation and spiritual practices.
Lighting 108 Ghee Lamps:
  • Maximum Divine Grace: Lighting 108 ghee lamps invokes maximum divine grace, leading to profound spiritual transformation and blessings.
  • Complete Purification: The extensive number of lamps ensures thorough purification of the mind, body, and surroundings, removing negative energies and obstacles.
  • Deep Spiritual Connection: This sacred number, representing completeness in Vedic traditions, fosters a deep and lasting connection with the divine, promoting spiritual growth and enlightenment.
  • Vedic Significance: Lighting 108 lamps aligns with Vedic traditions, symbolizing the 108 sacred Vedic texts, promoting holistic blessings and protection.
Lighting ghee lamps in varying numbers 11, 54, or 108 allows devotees to choose the level of intensity and the scope of blessings they seek. Each level offers unique benefits, making this practice adaptable to individual spiritual needs and goals. Embrace the divine light and grace through the sacred ritual of lighting ghee lamps, and enhance your spiritual journey with profound blessings.

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After you provide us with the necessary details, our team will take 24 to 48 working hours to finalize the auspicious date and time for your Puja. This information, including the scheduled date and time, will be sent to you via email, ensuring you are well-informed and can make any necessary preparations.

All the Pujas offered by AstroBhava are conducted within our sacred Tantric temples located in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, and Palakkad, Kerala. These temples are specially consecrated for performing Tantric rituals, providing a powerful and spiritually charged environment for the ceremonies.

Due to the highly sacred and esoteric nature of the rituals performed in our Tantric temples, we are unable to live telecast the ceremonies. However, if you wish to witness the Puja, you are most welcome to visit our temples in person. Please notify our Customer Support team about your visit, and we will be happy to host you, allowing you to experience the rituals firsthand.

Because the rituals are conducted in our Tantric temples, we are unable to capture photographs or video recordings of the ceremonies. The sacred and private nature of these rituals prohibits any form of media documentation, ensuring the sanctity and purity of the Puja are maintained.

Yes, upon the completion of the Puja, we ship Prasad to you. This applies to all Pujas irrespective of the days choosen. The Prasad is a sacred offering blessed during the ritual, which you will receive as a token of divine blessings and positive energy.

Yes, if you opt for a 48-day Puja, a Yantra will be energized continuously for the entire duration of the ritual. The Yantra, which is a powerful Vedic device with intricate geometric patterns, will be imbued with divine energy and then locked inside a Silver Amulet. This amulet, along with the energized Yantra, will be shipped to you, serving as a source of positive energy and protection.

The 48 days correspond to the 27 Nakshatras (Birth Stars), 12 Rashis (Moon Signs), and 9 Planets, totaling 48.

A Yantra is a special Vedic device that serves as a powerhouse of supreme cosmic energy. It consists of complex geometric patterns and holy signatures. When activated, a Yantra can create a positive environment, channeling divine energies to bring about beneficial changes in your life. Each Yantra is unique and corresponds to a specific deity, enhancing the spiritual and material well-being of the person using it.
Yantras are energized through a three-day process: Jala Pradishta (drawing geometric figures, dipping in Panchakavya), Prana Pradishta (energizing with Pranayama), and Jeeva Pradishta (chanting mantras 108 times with offerings).

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